
Periodic deworming will help your pet stay healthy and prevent parasite-related illnesses.

Deworming is one of the many preventative services we provide to protect your pet from parasitic infestations. If your pet has already contracted a worm, deworming medication also removes it from their system. It is a highly recommended practice that should be a part of your pet’s routine from birth to old age. Parasites can cause long-term organ and respiratory illnesses in your pet if left undetected for too long. To schedule your pet’s deworming session or learn more about the process, call us at 250-598-4477.

How does deworming medication work?

For starters, deworming medication can be administered through tablets or injections. It creates a toxic environment for parasites that kills worms. Younger worms are not impacted immediately and must age before they fall victim to the medicine. Staying up-to-date on your pet’s deworming schedule ensures all worms are completely eradicated from your their system. Not all worms are the same. Some of them will appear in your pet’s feces, which should be handled with protective gear and thrown away immediately. Others may not be visible but your pet’s activity levels should remain low as they go through a cleansing process.

How soon should I get my pet dewormed?

You can get your puppy or kitten dewormed at 2-weeks-old. They must continue to be dewormed all throughout their life, usually 3 to 4 times per year. Each supply of the medication strengthens their immune system and ensures the medicine will not be repelled.

Is deworming necessary for all pets?

Yes! Some people believe they don’t need to deworm their pet if they’re an indoor pet. This is a risky assumption. Parasites can travel through insects, feces and wild animals that appear in your backyard. Should your pet have a friendly encounter with these infected creatures or share the same spaces with them, they may contract parasites and bring it into your home.

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