
Providing support, guidance, and compassionate care during a difficult time.

Euthanasia is a quick procedure that allows your pet to pass away painlessly and with dignity. Though the process may be swift, we understand preparing for it, mentally and emotionally, takes a much longer time. Our facility provides compassionate end-of-life care. When you’re ready to discuss this stage of your pet’s life, we’re available to address all your questions and concerns. If you’re unsure of how to handle your pet’s remains, we are familiar with pet cemeteries and crematoriums in our community. When the time is right, ask us about our euthanasia services by calling 250-598-4477.

What happens when my pet is euthanized?

The first step is deciding whether you or any other family members want to be in the room during the procedure. You’re welcome to be there but we understand if it is too much for pet parents to handle. It helps to bring a familiar item your pet loves that will make them feel comfortable during their final moments. If they’re nervous, we provide a sedative to keep them still and calm. We will then administer a drug called pentobarbital, which stops their heart and brain activity. They will feel no pain.

How do I know when it’s time to say goodbye?

Euthanasia is a form of compassionate care that allows your pet to pass peacefully rather than live with intense pain from conditions associated with old age and chronic illnesses. Eventually, there will be no treatments we can provide them that will improve their health. If your pet’s chronic pain is worsening and their quality of life is declining, this may be an indication they’re reaching the end of their life. At this point, our veterinarians will suggest euthanasia but we leave it up to pet parents to decide when they’re ready.

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