Nutrition Counselling

Nutritional advice to help enhance and maintain your pet's overall health and well-being.

Through nutritional counselling, your pet can enjoy delicious meals that provide the right minerals or help them lose weight. Our veterinarians will be able to guide you towards diets that strengthen your pet’s immune system and meet their medical needs. Each pet has their own goal and nutritional plan specially designed to achieve it. To learn how your pet would benefit from a customized diet, call us at 250-598-4477.

What happens during a nutritional consultation?

Every consultation will consist of a weigh in, ear to tail inspection and a thorough discussion on your pet’s condition. Based on your first consultation, we’ll create a dietary plan that may include supplements, new food or a feeding schedule. What we prescribe varies to each pet’s needs. If your pet has any medical conditions, they will be accommodated. We’ll monitor your pet’s progress at future consultations and adjust their plan accordingly. We welcome calls if pet owners have any questions or concerns that we can address over the phone.

What are the benefits of nutritional consultation for pets?

Any form of specialized care into your pet’s wellbeing benefits your pet’s chances of living a longer and happier life. A nutritional consultation helps new owners learn what their pets can and cannot eat. All owners, no matter their experience, will discover if their pet has allergies or medical conditions that impact their diet. In conjunction with weight management, nutritional consultations ensure your pet consumes the right vitamins and minerals while losing weight. Our staff is trained to assist you in choosing the best diet for your pet’s needs.

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