Spaying and Neutering

Spaying and neutering help with population control, behaviour changes, and overall pet health.

Getting your pet spayed or neutered is a sure way to protect them from diseases that could develop in their reproductive organs. It also prevents them from having too many litters. While puppies and kittens are adorable, overpopulation is a real threat to the animal loving community. Overpopulation leads to more pets than homes available to care for them. Schedule your pet to be spayed or neutered by calling us at 250-598-4477.

What kind of diseases can my pet develop if they’re not spayed or neutered?

When your pet is spayed (female) or neutered (male) their uterus, ovaries and testicles are removed. This means they will avoid uterine cancer, ovarian cancer and testicular cancer. Without these organs they are less likely to present behaviours associated with being territorial or mating. Their desire to randomly growl and attack other animals will be reduced.

What happens during the procedure?

Your pet will have their blood tested to determine the amount of anesthesia required. When the anesthesia is administered, your pet will receive a small incision to remove their uterus, ovaries or testicles. They may feel drowsy when they wake up but that is normal. When they go home, we strongly recommend you discourage them from scratching and licking the wound to avoid aggravating the area. They will need lots of rest, water and low mobility to prevent the incision from opening up.

What animals do you spay or neuter?

At our facility, we care for small and medium-sized animals. We spay and neuter cats, dogs and rabbits. If you’re interested in getting your pet spayed or neutered, give us a call and a team member would be happy to answer any questions.

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