
Acupuncture is a drug-free and painless treatment that improves the body’s healing process.

Acupuncture is a therapeutic practice that involves needles being placed in very specific parts of your pet’s body. These needles apply pressure to the area that is causing your pet discomfort and encourages relief. It’s important to note that acupuncture is not a cure. It promotes pain reduction and is best used in combination with other medical treatments. If you’re unsure whether acupuncture is best for your pet, speak with our veterinarians or call us at 250-598-4477 to learn more.

What happens during an acupuncture session for pets?

The session lasts less than 30 minutes. We encourage pet owners to be in the room to decrease their pet’s anxiety. We will lay your pet down and focus only on their afflicted area. A veterinarian will place fine needles into your pet’s skin. The needles will stimulate the nerves, increase blood flow, relieve muscle spasm and cause a release of hormones (i.e. endorphins). When this happens the stress and inflammation in the affected area is reduced and they will feel relaxed.

Will the needles hurt my pet?

No. These needles are small enough to be barely felt but strong enough to balance the body’s energy system. Your pet will need to stay still, so if they get too nervous we may need to sedate them. However, this is rare. When pet owners are in the room or if the pet has a familiar item with them, they’re less likely to fidget.

How can my pet benefit from acupuncture?

The needles we place in your pet’s body are meant to trigger their muscles and blood flow into movement. When they’re poked into action, they release tension and help your pet function better. Acupuncture treats many conditions such as:

  • Paralysis or pain resulting from intervertebral disk syndrome or trauma
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Arthritis
  • Inappropriate urination by cats
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Ear and eye problems
  • Nausea
  • Lack of appetite

While acupuncture is not a cure, it can reduce your pet’s pain and improve their quality of life. We provide a variety of rehabilitative care, including laser and hydrotherapy. Finding a medical route that best suits your pet requires patience and experimentation. Let’s find out if this is the best course of action for your pet.

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